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       I do not prommote anarchy, anti-government insurgents, terrorism, vampirism, or most goth music. None of theses images should be construed to support those aforementioned things. However, "Blade" is a bad ass movie and the Order of Anarchy makes for some cool logos.

       That being said... This second gallery contains my logos.  My Doubling Technologies logos are here. It's pretty miscellaneous but each comes with a description.

Age of Vampires

Click the graph.

       This is a possible logo for my MUD, book, computergame, movie, or series of clothing.  The whole thing started when I saw the movie "Blade."  Also John Carpenter's "Vampires" and Vampire Hunter D, classic anime, didn't hurt either. The whole concept is that the world is chaotic after the vampire, human, and half-vampire gods all are forgotten and clans rule in the country side.  It will be a cool MUD, promise.

invert ooa_s

       This is just one possible logo for my underground organization.  It's an oxymoron for how can there be order in anarchy? But it's also "order" like brotherhood, or organization.

Psycho OoA

       Here's a crazy little logo I cooked up with photoshop. I embossed the logo onto a bacground from one of Kang's filters. He's got some crazy filters, and good filters are really important to make a cool picture.

warning ooa_s
spotlight ooa_s
fire ooa_s

       The first one of these takes the standard logo, the one with a white background (it isn't here), and adds a "warning" baground with a pillow emboss so you can see the black letters. The emboss doesn't show up well in low-res though.  I'll add a larger image for it latter.  For the next one I took the logo and added a spotlight effect for the background, pretty standrad stuff.  Now the last one is one of my favorites.  It looks toasty on high-res.  I will definately upload one. The flame tool is from Painter3D which I hardley ever use; such is the fate of my expensive programs.  Speaking of which I can use Bryce and Poser ok.  Truespace, 3D Studio, Raydream and Lightwave are a little harder to do since I don't have anyone to teach me them.  If you wanna help, contact me.

DT dos assos

       This one was just for fun and needless to say, it's not being used, to my knowledge. The rest of the are here...

Journey onward to Gallery 3.