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       Journey with me through the mind of a maniac.  This site has been created more or less to exhibit my creativity. I´ve got some pictures I made on the computer, some info on Evolva, and my rants.  Mostly its rants now. At last count I had typed eight thousand words in all these rants. Eight thousand words to convey my constant stream of thought.  Enjoy, this site is a journey into my mind.



       Been a while huh?  Well, I´ve finally done away with the tiny Starcraft section, seing as how I havn´t played the game in a year.  I also did away with the Doubling Tech section and the Digital Music. C´mon, are you really going to miss them?  What will I add to replace them you ask? A most wonderous project people.



       Recently, I lost my inspiration. When one´s art is a dark prose telling of despair and a black rage, angst is your inspiration. Crimson anger is my ink, but no longer.  Paxil works, the Dark Spectre is vanquished, I am content.  Contentment is a bitch when you have to write stuff, but I make do. I´ve uplaoded my English "journals." They´re like school appropriate rants.  Plus I added a cool new picture, available as a background at 1024 x 768.  Email me if you want it smaller/larger, you fix it up in Photoshop yourself.


       I added another rant after a long absence and the beginning of being on Paxil. Maybe I´ll have some happy rants latter on, but then, what´s the fun of those anyway? Check out my latest rant here.


       A lot has gone on and I´ve added 2k words on my romantic situation.  It´s the new rant for right now, I´m sure you can find it.


       I´m planning a big update for the site. Well, maybe a facelift.  And by the time you read this, it will be done. Also I uploaded some more of my experiments with music.  I think I created a melody!


       This last rant sucks.  I know. You might as well read it I suppose. It's kinda about school, and I kinda tried a different style, but it sucks.


       I've added a new a new item in the rants section.  It's more of a history of me covering the past one and a half years or so. More is to follow soon, I hope.


       I just added a new rant, a changed the links to my Flash movie.  There's only one now, but its my favorite.


       I've succumb to web tradition and now have a news section here.  Check out Gallery 3.  It's newly opened.

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