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Doubling Tech. Top spacer Top right

       Doubling Technolopgies is the start-up company of a young friend of mine.  He has great talent and prospects.  If you would like to support him, send me money and I'll pass it on. 

dt small

       This is the first logo I made for Doubling Tech or DT. The name is weird. The Spanish word doblar means "to turn."  I guess it should be Doblando Teknologia but it sorta means "turning technology in two languages." This is good venture capital oppotunity here.  I wish him the best of luck.

DT turn
try 2
wet paint

       The name is a mix of Spanish and English so it sounds kind of classy.  True? The first logo here has standard text and a 3D render in Photoshop.  Next, is a cool one, still basic, however, the shadow looks nice.

       And now the last one.  Kinda cool idea but I dont like how the red came out. It was done with the "charcoal" filter and had some unexpected results.  I think the tag line looks better than the name but, oh well. This is my favorite though.

One more DT slogan is back in here...

DT Oval 1

       Finally, somethingtthat looks like a logo. I like the colors where they are but one oculd easily switch them around and get some cool designs.  It's also a smaller banner than the rest I've created, because I happened to see a 468x60 requirement on a website. Another place said 400x40 but that seems too small. If anything, I'd like a bigger banner so the ellipses could be perfect, but they looks pretty good now.